Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hello Kitty and the magical feel-bettericorn

Story Time! Gather round my darlings, come gather round mummzie. Once upon a time there was a beautiful young cat named Kitty, Hello Kitty to be exact, but I don't want to so Kitty it is. Kitty went to Disney World once, she really liked it, II mean it is the happiest place on earth after all. Kitty especially liked Japan in Epcot. After Kitty got home she got a stomach virus that made her miss school for a week. During this week of not schooling Kitty's dad found her a toy unicorn to make her feel better. Kitty dubbed this the magical feel-bettericorn. That my darlings is the story of Hello Kitty and the magical feel-bettericorn.
 To go along with story time I have a manicure for you. This came about from me finding the Hello Kitty nail stickers that I got from Born Pretty Store with my order a while back. I'm not really sure why I got them but I think they are pretty cool.

 And here is the magical feel-bettericorn. Isn't he pretty.

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