Monday, December 31, 2012

I can't even The Night Circus

Okay first things first I don't know how to or you just can't italicize things in post titles so the title of this post should say: I can't even The Night Circus. Ahhhhhh I feel better, now on to the manicure. This was supposed to be based on Erin Morgenstern's The Night Circus.

isn't the cover great! why can't I do that :(
So yeah.... that didn't really happen. I like what the out come was, but it doesn't really remind me of the book ... at all. 
Be Prepared 
The Pictures Are Coming

Quebec Manicure

Over the summer I went to Quebec with my school's French Club. It was tons of fun but I didn't have time to redo my nails during the trip. So without further ado here are the nails I wore for the entire five days in Quebec and Montreal.
 This seems to be the only picture I took of my nails at home. Oh the clean up!  This is atrocious. Why couldn't I have taken any pictures after cleaning.....?
Oh wait I did! I was taking a picture of my Cirque du Soleil AmaLuna ticket and got my nails in the shot! My friend Summer made fun of me for having the ability to get my nails in any picture I took. But Hey! I got one good picture of my nails all nice and clean! So ha Summer if you're reading this it totally worked out!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Years Eve NOTD

I finally got around to repainting my nails after my Grandmother's birthday party. Which by the way was the cutest thing I've ever seen, it was a bunch of little old ladies eating chicken pie and wearing little pink tiara on their old lady hairdo's, gahhhhh so cute. Anyway, back to my nails, these are what I guess you would call a Skittelette (which I found the name for on the fabulous blog

 All nails have a base of KBShimmer Band Geek (best glitter polish I own <3 <3)

 My index and ring fingers have a splatter containing : an off black franken I made, Sally Hansen complete salon manicure Glity Pleasure, and Pure Ice Kiss Me Here.

 My thumb is covered in what I want to call nail armor, which means I covered it in rhinestones I got from Hobby Lobby.

Splatter Mani

Hello Again!

This is the splatter mani I did at about one in the morning over the Mardi Gras holiday last year.
Here are a bunch of photos from before clean up.
 Is it bad that I liked this better when I had like three inches of polish on my hands?

 And some from after cleaning.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

I have too much time

Hello again! These are the Union Jack nails I made over the summer, actually during the Olympics I think.

 I think my favorite is the black and gold nail.

Thanks for watching!

Friday, December 28, 2012

I have a lot of posts stocked up because I've been taking pictures of my nails for about a year now. Oh my gosh I still can't believe I did this. Anyway here is another mani I did. i'm really not sure when I think it was over the summer.

 Sorry about the shoddy cleanup I'm still trying to get the hang of that.
 This was my first dotticure. The colors I used were Sinful Colors What's Your Name, Grecian Sun, Zeus, Be Happy, Olympia, and Queen of Beauty.

I have a blog now

I finally got around to making a blog! Welcome to metamorphmagus manicures. This is mainly so my friends can see my manicures without having to grab my hands in class.

So with that little intro out of the way. Here is the first mani I have to post. I made this one over the summer. Enjoy :)